Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
As 2006 comes to a close, I'm sitting here thinking about 2007 and the future. This upcoming year is one in which I want to get closer to my Lord, my wife and my children.
I know that Jesus gives us all new starts and is gracious and merciful to us, but for some reason we only think that this is possible or only happens during New Year Day.
One of the most popular resolutions during this time of year is to lose weight. I've heard a statistic that in January, gym memberships are among their highest, but by summer, the parking lots are all but empty. Meaningful ideas that we start out with under our own power often fall short. I want to mention one thing that you can resolve to do that won't. Give or rededicate you life to Jesus. It will succeed because it will be something done under His power. It doesn't depend on our wilpower to be effective. That is the beauty of it!
So, if you haven't already done so, come to the tree and open the best gift of all; the one of eternal life.
For those of you who have languishing gym memberships, remember God is a God of second chances. If you are really looking to make a New Year's Resolution, make a commitment to God to be faithful and obedient to Him and for His glory.
Have a blessed new year!