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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends! May we each take this day to reflect on the many blessings that our gracious Father has bestowed on us.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be
thankful unto him, and bless his name.

- Psalm 100:4

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Faith(less) House

I recently learned of a new (although there is nothing new under the sun) "project" that is striving to incorporate all major religions into one "community" where we can learn from each other.

While on the surface, this may sound OK to some, it's a slippery slope from learning from others mistakes and practices to conforming.

Here is a quote from the FaithHouse website that states their mission.

OUR MISSION: We want to start a new kind of community in which we can discover The Other (individuals or groups other than those we belong to), deepen our personal and corporate journeys, and together participate in repairing the world. In this endeavor we will honor and learn from teachings, practices, and suffering of people from religions, philosophies, and worldviews, different from our own. Instead of isolating ourselves into like-minded groups or melting together into a single-minded organization, we will learn to live together with our differences and in a way that contributes to the wellbeing, peace, joy, and justice in the world. In this endeavor we will always be a courageous, hospitable and learning community.

Among the people listed as ones who are behind FaithHouse include:

Emergent Village network (Faith House is a friend of this non-denominational network of Christian pastors, teachers, leaders, and administrators representing the “Emerging Church Movement”)

One of the goals of this "project" is an open dialog and associateion between all religions to learn the "truth" from Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, etc. It includes invitations to imams, priests and rabbis.

To quote from the website,

We will not seek to establish one generic religion in the house. Instead, we will seek to establish one humanity that serves one God with many voices.

When will our eyes be opened to what is happening? What communion does light have with darkness?

Because Truth matters,

Thursday, November 08, 2007

She is...

She is...

Last night, my mother-in-law, Dawn passed away. I wanted to write about her because she is more than a mother-in-law to me. She treated me like her son and even more so after my own mother passed away.

She is a very special lady, the intellect of which was unrivaled. I used to love talking with her for hours on end. She was conversant on any subject from world affairs to politics to religion.

She is the one who first introduced me to talk radio, sparking my thirst for knowledge. Prior to meeting her, I used to listen to music on the radio constantly. I had to ride with her once and she was listening a local talk radio station. It started a conversation between us and ignited my love for talk radio to this day.

She is the one who help me spread my wings and get a "real" job, although she never put it that way, when I married her daughter.

She is a great grandma that had a tremendous impact on my children, fueling a love for life and challenges. At least one of my children loves puzzles thanks to her.

She is more than this little post or that time can describe.

She is someone that I greatly miss and have the hope of seeing in Heaven.

Because love matters,

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Convergence of Emergents

Seeker-sensitive church, Willow Creek is sponsoring a youth conference from April 9-11, 2008 featuring emergent guests speakers.

Emergent, Dan Kimball will be speaking. Brian Mclaren, whose latest book, Everything Must Change, brings into sharp focus the nature of his unbiblical theology, will also be speaking.

In addition, one of Rob Bell's latest Nooma films will be screened.

It's very disconcerting that these two groups (seeker-sensitve and emergent), who usually are seperate are now joining together for this conference. The really scary thing is that there are some churches that follow seeker-sensitive churches like Willow Creek and Saddleback that are not aware of their emergent ties. Churches that embrace Willow Creek that would normally distance themselves from the "emergent conversation", will now find themselves inextricably tied together.

Now, more than ever, pastors and especially Christians in general need to wake up and compare everything that they hear (and read) with the Bible, the ONLY Truth.

Because Truth matters,

Slice of Laodicea Is Back!

Slice of Laodicea, which was dealt a really bad blow by it's service provider in the not too distant past is back online. This time, it appears that comments are not allowed.

I for one am glad to see the site, which stands amongst others as a vanguard to the affront of the seeker-sensitive and emergent movements, seeking a return to Biblical values make it's return.