Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

As we bow down, be lifted up

Be lifted up, be lifted up
As we bow down,
Be lifted up.

Let the heavens rejoice
Let the nations be glad
Let the whole earth tremble
For you are God
Come and worship the Lord
In the beauty of holiness

As we bow down,
Be lifted up,
As we bow down,
Be lifted up 

I am listening to this song this morning as I came across an old Promise Keepers CD from a rally that I went to in 2004. Wow, that was a long time ago, relatively speaking.I remember the comradery , the teaching and especially, the worship.

As I listen to it, it makes me think, that in our hearts, in our lives are we FULLY submitting to the will of our Father? Are we bowing down? Are we crucifying the flesh... our wants and desires to lift Him up? Do we seek His will above our own, even when it's not convenient or may cause pain (which is temporary)?

We (and when I say we, I mean "I" as well)  need to say, never-the-less, not my will but Thine be done.

As you have your private time today... as you bow down, be sure to lift Christ up.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good!

Wow... I love that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me through some incredible sources, not the least of which is Christian music.I've heard some say that we should not have to listen to Christian music.

Philippians 4:8 says to "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."

I love music that points to the Truths of Christ, His love, His sacrifice, His promises and His characteristics. What a better way to keep Him in the center of our thoughts aside from reading the Bible and praying? Take a look at some examples below.

The sacrifice and love of Christ:
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
~ Who Am I

The promises and characteristics of Christ:

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come

~The Revelation Song

His love enduress forever
Forever God is faithful.
Forever God is strong.
Forever God is with us


OK, before anyone says anything, I am not saying that we should take our theology from contemporary (or evern classical) Christian music. What I am saying is that there are A LOT of really good, Christ-focused songs that can serve to help keep your heart and mind centered on Him throughout the day.

Some things (from the Bible, our source for Truth) to think about...
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;  – 1 Peter 2:9.

Do not love the world nor the things in the world.If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.   – 1 John 2:15-17.

I am not intending to get this to be a discussion or let this post devolve into "Christian vs secular music" or whether or not "Christian Rap" is "Christian" music. I am simply stating that by immersing yourself in Godly, Christ-centered music whenever possible, it is a great way to be able to think on the Lord... to let His praise be continually in our mouths. (Psalm 34:1)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past – Poem by C.T Studd

I've heard the quote, "Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last." before, but did not realize that it was a poem. In reading it, it brings conviction to my heart and drives home the point that life here on Earth is short; the Bible calls it a vapor (James 4:14). It's the eternal things that matter... being about God's business while we are yet here.

How callously we waste our time in selfish pursuits with nary a nod to God, our Creator, our Father. I ask for forgiveness for not being more in tune to what God has in store for me... His will for my life.

May we all realize that God's will is what really matters and spend our time in the relentless pursuit of it.

I have a preacher friend that made a similar poignant point once noting that one of our jobs while here is evangelism. It's something that we can only do here on Earth. Once we cross over to Heaven, that job will be no more. It's helped to bring the message home.

Living for Christ is all that matters. May we run hard after the heart of God.

Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past

Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,
Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet,
And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, the still small voice,
Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave,
And to God’s holy will to cleave;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, a few brief years,
Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill,
living for self or in His will;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

When this bright world would tempt me sore,
When Satan would a victory score;
When self would seek to have its way,
Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Give me Father, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Oh let my love with fervor burn,
And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone,
Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, “twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,
Now let me say,”Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call,
I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last. ”

— extra stanza —

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
And when I am dying, how happy I’ll be,
If the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee.”

~C.T Studd

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Sunday

Happy Resurrection Sunday!!!!

What an incredible day this is for those who are redeemed and for those who aren't, what an opportunity to have an everlasting relationship with the Lord!

♪ ♫ This the power of the cross; Christ became sin for us. He took the blame, bore the wrath. We stand forgiven at the cross ♫ ♪

Thank you, Jesus!!!!