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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!

What a year this has been and what an awesome time to sit and reflect on the Lord and His blessings. The love that our Father has seems so inconceivable (no, I don't keep using that word). to quote a recent email that I received...

This Christmas…

May your hearts be filled with His Peace
And may your cup runneth over with His Joy
May your life be flooded with His Presence
And may you experience the true essence
of Happiness in Him

This New Year…

May you reach deeper than ever to find Him
May you spend more time getting to know Him
May you reach out to others to share Him
And may you go beyond yourself to please Him

May the joy of the event of our Saviour's birth be yours this Christmas and all through the year.