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Monday, November 06, 2006

"Let Him Who Is Without Sin" and other things

In thinking about what Ted Haggard did, I have to admit that I was dismayed that Christians may get another black eye from this.

I was reading what Ted Haggard's son, Marcus, who is also a pastor said in an article regarding his dad's predicament.

"The world is watching," he said. "That, my friends, is opportunity. To demonstrate what our love is like."

Later, he added: "Let's not get caught up thinking about ourselves. Let's take the time to heal. But let's remember we're still serving God," he said. "We're still the light. None of that has shifted or changed."

I'd like to add that sin is sin. I think that a lot of people make homosexuality out to be the biggest or unforgivable sin. That simply isn't the case. All people sin, even Christians because we aren't perfect yet. Just because one's sin may be more public than another's doesn't necessarily make it worse, just more viewable.

Did it hurt his effectiveness as a witness? Yes.
Did it affect the church where he pastored? Yes.
Did it hurt the cause of Christ? Yes.
Does Ted Haggard deserve forgiveness? If he's sincere and repentant, yes.

He is a brother in need. He needs time to heal. He needs time with the Lord, but then again, don't we all.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..."

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