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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Return to the King

It seems that I've been coming across a lot of articles lately about the man-centered approach of emerging churches.

The church is not a company to be run according to man's opinions or by a popularity survey. The church has one leader, one King of Kings, one head and that is the Lord Jesus.

Current church methods, whether knowingly or not seek to replace the rule of Jesus and God's Word in our lives and are focusing more and more on worldy methods, conforming themselves to the world instead of transforming the world.

I came across this "worship" service at NewSpring, where Perry Noble preaches. I mention him for two reasons; a lot of pastors look up to him as an example of doing things right and secondly, it's a sad example of how some churches cater to the culture. In this instance, one of the singers sings "I've Got Friends In Low Places," which was voted on as one of the songs that they would sing during the service. I pray that they would seek God's face and find that they have a friend in a higher place.

Modern apporaches say that man adds to the church daily through relational methods. Churches are caring what the "unchurched" dislike about the church, then applying the results and statistics to determine how the church should be run. This is not Biblical. The Bible says in Acts 2:47, that the "... LORD added to the church daily such as should be saved."

In Psalm 127:1-2, it says "Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat -- for he grants sleep to those he loves"

Too many churches today are run like corporations with pastors sitting at the top like a CEO. God's Word gives way to cultural relevance, opinion polls and entertainment.

It's time that we realize the fact that the church already has a boss. What it needs are "employees". The Bible says that the fields are ripe for harvest, but the laborers are few. That statement is very evident in some of our "modern" churches.


Bridgette said...

Wow, George I am so impressed with some of the things you have expressed in your blog. I agree with you about the "modern" church.

George Romano said...


Thanks so much for reading and for your compliment! I appreciate your opinion!

I pray that people will wake up to what is happening and keep their eyes and hearts focused on Jesus.

I hope that all is well you you all!

Yeee Haw. said...

I agree with you George! We need to not worry about size and start worrying about sanctification! We all know that purity is the only way to heaven.

Give me my close-knit 25 member church ANY day rather than a fancy pants PASTOR running a laser light show from his mansion.

It's simple. You can't love both Jesus and love Garth Brooks!

George Romano said...


Thanks for your comments, especially your "laser light show" reference. Very true.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.