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Friday, May 25, 2007

Random Observations

While I was waiting for my oldest son to get out of football practice yesterday, I was watching the various kids as they milled around, looking for their ride home. One young man caught my attention because he was singing a song. He was wandering back and forth singing, "I lie. I cheat. I steal." to himself. It hit me that this boy was programming his moral system. I wondered to myself what it was that made him sing that song. Today, I "Googled" those lyrics and saw that they are associated with a particular wrestler.

I thought to myself, "What a shame that this garbage is being poured into this young man's brain." and that he is repeating it over and over again to himself.

Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."

My kids don't watch wrestling, but as I think more and more about the types of programs that are on the television, I want my children to watch less and less of them.


Diana said...


We live in a world that is so desensitized that we almost become immune to it.
As adult Christian's we can let it go in one ear and out the other. I'n mot saying as adults it s ok, because that isn't what I am trying to convey, I just think as adults we leard to filter it.
I watch things that the average Christian may bark about. It doesn't make me a lesser Christian. I am learning to be a little more discerning about what we watch, and when no one is home except Juliana and I it is rare that the TV is on and if it is, it is child friendly there fore mommy friendly to.
Love you
Love me

George Romano said...


That's a true comment! We do live in a desensitized world. Both the world and Christians have given ground regarding this. Case in point, remember "I Love Lucy"? It wasn't a Christian show; Lucy even smoked on occasion, but whenever you saw their bedroom, it was always shown with two beds because the show's staff didn't want even a hint of inpropriety. Now, it seems like anything goes.

My, how things have changed!

BTW, thank you for being a great mommy to the kids!

I liked what you said about being child friendly is being mommy-friendly, too. That's very true and a great rule to go by :)

Love Always,