All In A Day's Work...
In looking back on this week, it's been one filled with a lot of different, yet interconnected events.
I've occasionally thought about the 6 degrees of separation and how everything is kind of inter-related if you go "down the chain" a few links.
This week has saw my oldest daughter go through a tremendous ordeal with having two of her molars removed. I thought about her a lot while I was at work and she was at the dentist with her mom. She went through the whole procedure; the discomfort and pain with minimal medication. I thought about the last time that I went to the dentist for something major. It was when I had to have three teeth pulled (thankfully, not in the front :) ) and they put me to sleep for the whole procedure. I remember being sore and cranky (as men are known to be when we hurt), but couldn't help think about Megan and how she was handling it. I know that I saiud it before, but she is a strong girl; not the kind of strong that can beat me in arm-wrestling, but the kind that has a great inner strength. She endures. She "toughs things out" and always puts the needs of others above her own, even when she needs something badly. She is a lot like her mom and I am proud of the woman that she is becoming .

I had the priviledge of finding out that Meg (and Diana's) dentist is a Christian and was VERY compassionate towards her. The office even called later that night to check on her. I think it bolstered Diana's faith. I know that it did mine.
This week, I saw a glimpse of Diana's schedule. She runs errands with the kids, cleans the house and took George to football. That was all in one day. Today, she cleaned the house, did school shopping with all of the kids, cut the grass, washed BOTH vehicles and still had the time to follow up with friends and family to see how they were doing. Diana is a very busy lady, yet always finds time to include God in her schedule. I admire her for that. I'm sure she doesn't really want me saying, but there are times when I look over and see her studying the Bible, listening to an online sermon and taking pages of notes. She has a thirst for God's Word that I admire and envy (almost to the point of coveting, but that would be wrong :) ). She bolsters my faith.
These are but two examples of things that happen regularly that I have a chance to see God working in my family that really have an impact on me. The list could go on and one... hearing Matthew pray for Grandma who has cancer and is not a Christian.... hearing Juliana tell me what she learned in our story time; that "Jesus did this", or "they needed to listen to Jesus", or "Jesus healed him"... hearing George pray for his mom when she's not feeling well. It all bolsters my faith.
These are all daily occurrences that happen that I feel privileged that God allows me to be a part of. He is truly great and wonderful!
Wow! Thank You for noticing the little things. I never realized how aware you are of the things around you. Thank You for seeing the strength in your daughter. Thank You for all you do to encourage me through love, life, loss,and most of all faith. You are a great example of the kind of man I want our sons to look to for when searching the kind of men they will become.
Please don't let me wash the vehicles in the dark again. Good thought, Not a good idea.
Love me
I love you, Sweetheart!
It is amazing the "small stuff" that God allows me to see. I see His hand in out lives. Megan is very special and definately has some of the same spiritual gifts that you have.
Thank you for washing the vehicles. I know that you were showing me love but not letting me help. I love and appreciate you.
Love always,
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