Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Sola Gratia Sola Fide Soli Deo Gloria Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone Christ Alone Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Glory to God Alone

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

See You at the Pole

Today, I took my oldest son to school early because of an event called "See You at the Pole". For those who aren't familiar, I quote from their website.

See You at the Pole™ is a student-initiated, student organized, and student-led event. That means this is all about students meeting at their school flagpole to pray—for their school, friends teachers, government, and their nation. See You at the Pole™ is not a demonstration, political rally, nor a stand for or against anything.

See You at the Pole™ is scheduled annually on the fourth Wednesday in September...

It was very inspiring to see about 40 other kids already there as we pulled up to the school.

I think that I was just as excited that my son wanted to participate in this as he was in participating. I can't remember this event being around when I was in school. The thought of young Christian girls and boys, organizing and leading this event in praying for their school, each other and their country is incredible to think about. Wow, what an example kids can set for us adults.

It is really cool and exciting to see the wonderful ways that our Lord is maturing our children and I pray that He continues to mature them and draw them all closer to Him for His glory.

Because Truth matters,

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

Well, it's Tuesday and I haven't posted in a bit, so I figured that I would just write a few things down. It's more or less, a collection of random thoughts.

Tonight is Football night. Every Tuesday, we go to see the Falcons (my son's team) play. I really find it relaxing, amongst the stress of the game to watch them play. Last week, G managed to get in on two tackles, one by himself. That's cool to see.

Today, I'll pick M and M up from Drama club. They are both hams and love drama, just ask their mama. I can't wait to go see their production.

I've been enjoying Diana's posts. She is very insightful and writes with wit (<== Alliteration, cool, eh?) Really, though, she has a great way of telling about important as well as everyday things in an interesting manner. The place where I work is GM, although I am not am employee. It's interesting to see all of the political wrangling that goes on in a company of this size, especially now since the UAW is on strike. It's a very strange feeling driving past people who are blocking the road to where you are going.

A sweet elderly lady from our church just passed away. While I'm sorry to hear about her passing, I know that she is in a much better place.

I guess that's it for now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today is my father's birthday. He would've been 72 today.

It's really hard to post on this subject because I didn't have the best relationship with my father. It's strange that growing up, I never called him "Dad". For some reason, I could never say it. It didn't sound right. Don't get me wrong, I love my father and in spite of past hurts and mistakes that were made on both sides, I hope that I will see him in Heaven.

He on the other hand, called me Pal. I was his buddy and I believe that he loved me but tried to live what he wanted his life to be through me.

I know that my father loved me and did his best in his own way. He did what he could to always provide for me and see to it that I never went without, but I miss the time that we didn't have, the times that we didn't do things.

All in all, the relationship with my father helped shape me into the person that I am today. I am deliberate at being involved in my childrens' lives because I have to be.

I thank God for His wonderful blessings and for healing the hurt that I had for my father, for without Jesus, I could only wonder what I would be like today.

Nevertheless, today is my father's birthday, and good or bad, I reflect on the man who loved me and whom I love.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Your Son

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Because Truth Matters

What is Truth? I know some people may just read that question and say, "Well, truth is something that's true." It sounds simple enough, but what makes something true?

I used to teach Adult Sunday School at a former church and our class once did a study on Truth. I remember it because of the depth of information that we covered along with the intense Bible study just made everyone's brain hurt; but we did learn a lot from it.

There are things that can be defined and redefined and that still doesn't change the fact that certain things, like Truth stay the same.

There are some misguided people that cast aspersions at others in some self-righteous way of defending their man-centered views and Heaven help you if you disagree with their version of the truth.

It's interesting to note that the word aspersion has it's root meaning as "sprinking". It's interesting as some are in the habit of sprinkling just enough truth with just enough man-centered falsehoood in sermons or gossip, um, I mean conversations with others; or that some "sprinkle" as in dropping viscious, yet veiled ad hominem attacks at others, labeling then as weak-minded, legalistic, divisive or pharisitical. The most recent one that I've read was about the former Slice of Laodicea website. It's horrible the anger that some "Christians" have when others are simply pointing them to the Truth.

OK, so what really matters? The only mirror that we should hold to our face or another person is the Word of God. What you say doesn't matter. What I say doesn't matter. What God says does matter and is the ONLY TRUTH.

The actual topic of Truth would take an entire series to discuss, so I will leave off for now with the fact that Jesus said in John 14:6,

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to
the Father but through Me."

This week, I've read about sermons featuring poker, Napolean Dynamite, business books and a myriad of other topics. All of this deals with the entertainment factor of grabbing someone's interest with culturally relevant ideas.

Do you know what is culturally relevant? If you don't know Jesus, you are a lost sinner and will spend eternity in Hell, forever seperated from God. The Good News is that Jesus dies on the cross so you don't have to. He died in our place and offers His sacrifice as a free gift; the gift of grace, God's unmerited favor.

The Bible is relevant just as it is. What a sad thing it must say for us as a culture that we have such short attention spans that if churches aren't doing things bigger and grander with each "production" that we're worried that "we" won't reach people.

Ahhhh.... wait a minute...

Who is trying to "draw" the people?

John 12:32 states,

"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men
to Myself."

It's not about being fed, becoming a social agency, musical styles or whatever music the "world" listens to. It is soley, undeniably about our Lord and Him alone. That's it... simple, eh?

It breaks my heart at the well-intentioned, yet man-centered entertainment centers that a lot of our churches have become. It's time that we stop sacrificing the Word of God on the altar of worldliness. It's time that we stop the flow of vitriol that seeps and spews from blogs, webcasts and pulpits. It's time that we stop the man-centered worldliness that is slowly infecting our churches in front of our eyes.

It's not about opinion, style or different methods... Simply, read the Bible. It's your blueprint. Don't take my word for it. I make mistakes. I used to tell my Sunday School class to be a Berean and search the scriptures and test everything. We are to stand behind God, not man or a personality.

Oh, Lord, how can we forget and have it any other way? Heavenly Father, search my heart and bring to mind anything that I need to confess and please remove anything that I have placed in a position that you alone should occupy.

Because Truth matters,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What's In A Name?

In doing some reading recently, I ran across something that piqued my interest. I've heard in the past that Bono had made some interesting comments when he was knighted earlier this year.

I went to You Tube to do a search for his comments. Bono, in his interview jokingly says not to call him "Sir". He jokes instead that he could be called "Lord of Lords" or a demi-god. (Check the link below)

Rev 19:16, when referring to Jesus, states that "And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."" Clearly there is only one Lord of Lords. defines a demigod as "a mythological being who is partly divine and partly human; an inferior deity."

Hmmmm... maybe this will be a wake-up call for those churches who chose to utilize his music and hold him up as an example.

Does he do humanitarian work and have good deeds? Yes, but so do the Mormons and other organizations. May we as the body of Christ wake up and return to God-honoring, Christ-centered worship and away from man-centered ways.

In light of his comments, it sounds like Bono, still hasn't found what he's looking for.

Because Truth matters,

Friday, September 14, 2007

Our family just finished watching the movie "Time Changer".

I have to say that it is an incredibly thought provoking movie. Without giving away the plot, the movie takes the audience and has us consider our lives, our relationships with Christ and how society and morals without Jesus is nothing to look forward to.

There are a number of emotional and thought provoking scenes in which I can sympathize with the main character, feeling lost in another world; a world where everyone thinks that everything is OK, but you know the Truth and that it's not. This is a feeling that you can have in talking with people, watching TV, shopping or even in church.

What is really important? Is Jesus central to your life and not just someone that you identify with? Is He your Lord and Saviour? Are we slowly becoming desensitised to sin in our lives?

The truth is that God has a time already set for His return. We don't know it and we can't change it. What we CAN do is take the time that we have, turn from and confess our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and tell others about Him.

What time is it? It's closer than you think. Are you ready?

Because Truth matters,

Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate!

This past week, I had the privilege of seeing a preview of what beautiful girls I have. Yes, I know that they are always beautiful. I also know that God has blessed me with wonderful boys as well. This week, I just had the chance to see our girls practice for an upcoming performance at our church.

It was wonderful to see these girls freely showing their love for God.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Grace of God and Cat and Dog Theology

I recently read an interesting article on the grace of God and how to approach that wonderful subject. The article took the approach that it was going to examine God's nature as evidenced through His bountiful grace. What an amazing approach. (no pun intended)

Did you see it? The goal was learning about God through His grace and not learning about grace through God. It's in the way that the subject is approached.

I am also currently reading a book called "Cat and Dog Theology" which helps us think about the way that we view God. to quote from the book,

A dog says, 'You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, you must be God.' A cat says, 'You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.' This book challenges the readers' understanding of their relationship with God. Our understanding of how we relate to God may not be wrong, but it may be incomplete. The God-given traits of cats ('you exist to serve me') and dogs('I exist to serve you') can be similar to certain theological attitudes held by many Christians. In our personal theologies, some attitudes may draw us closer to God, and others can also pull us away from Him.

It's all in the way that we see our relationship with out Father. During the next few days, I hope to continue to look at this in more detail.

Because Truth matters,

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Story Continues...

In reflecting back upon this day, 16 years ago, I remember a nervous beautiful girl who was willing to leave all that she had known to start a new life with me. We were (and still are) deeply in love.

I remember feeling nervous and scared. What if I wasn't a good husband? What if I snored? What if she snored? Silly questions were put to rest by the refining of our marriage over time. Little worries are just that - little worries. Big worries become little when our faith is placed in God.

The Word of God teaches us that the marriage Union and relationship was inspired by God, instituted by God, is preserved by God.

So God created man in his own image . . . ; [one] male and [one] female created he them" - Genesis 1:27

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" - Genesis 2:24

"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" - Mark 10:9

"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” - 1 Peter 3:4

Speaking of that last part, I am reminded of our vows to each other and of our ceremony...

"The circle, the emblem of eternity; and gold, the emblem of that which is least tarnished and most enduring. It is to show how lasting and imperishable is the faith and love now mutually pledged."

As the union now formed is to be ended only by death, it becomes you to consider the duties you now solemnly assume. If these be remembered and faithfully discharged they will add to the happiness of this life, lightening by dividing its inevitable sorrows, and heightening by doubling all its blessedness. But if these obligations be neglected and violated, you cannot escape the keenest misery as well as the darkest guilt.

It is the duty of the husband to provide for the support of his wife, to shelter her from danger, and to cherish for her a manly and unchanging affection, it being the command of God's Word that husbands love their wives even as Christ loved the church and gave his own life for her.

It is the duty of the wife to reverence and obey her husband, and to put on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is, in God's sight, an ornament of great price, His Word commanding that wives be subject unto their own husbands, even as the church is subject unto Christ."

It's a day that I will always treasure and look back to to see where we began; but I also look forward to see where God is leading us.

I pray that Diana still sees the man that she loved and although life hasn't always been the way that we've planned, still sees the man that she still loves.

Happy Anniversary

Happy 16th Anniversary, Diana!

I could not ask for a better wife or friend than I have in you. I am so blessed that God has graciously given you to me to share my life.

Here's to a smashing anniversary (just not the smashing like last years :) )

Love Always,

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant!

Yesterday, I learned of the passing of a great man, Dr. D. James Kennedy. Although I've never met him on this side of Glory, Dr. Kennedy was an inspiration to me and a myriad of others.

Dr. Kennedy, before he passed away, was quoted as saying...

“Now, I know that someday I am going to come to what some people will say is the end of this life. They will probably put me in a box and roll me right down here in front of the church, and some people will gather around, and a few people will cry. But I have told them not to do that because I don’t want them to cry. I want them to begin the service with the Doxology and end with the Hallelujah chorus, because I am not going to be there, and I am not going to be dead. I will be more alive than I have ever been in my life, and I will be looking down upon you poor people who are still in the land of dying and have not yet joined me in the land of the living. And I will be alive forevermore, in greater health and vitality and joy than ever, ever, I or anyone has known before.”

D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

Amen! What an awesome quote. I echo his sentiments, heartily!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Division and Truth, Rather Than Unity and Lies

Here is an interesting quote from Iain Murray. I'd be interested in hearing what your thoughts are on this subject.

Are there times when division is better than unity? I'm not talking about just stiring up trouble for troubles sake, but are there times when unity should not be the end result?

Divisions and separations are most objectionable in religion. They weaken the cause of true Christianity.- But before we blame people for them, we must be careful that we lay the blame where it is deserved. False doctrine and heresy are even worse than schism. If people separate themselves from teaching which is positively false and unscriptural, they ought to be praised rather than reproved. In such cases separation is a virtue and not a sin.

The old saying must never be forgotten, "He is the schismatic who causes the schism"... Controversy in religion is a hateful thing... But there is one thing which is even worse than controversy, and that is false doctrine, allowed, and permitted without protest or molestation. ...

For some extra thought...

Romans 16:17 says, "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them."

"For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that divisions exist among you; and in part I believe it. For there must also be factions among you, so that those who are approved may become evident among you. "

- 1 Corinthians 11:18-19, NASB

It would seenm that scripture is clear on this matter, division and truth, rather than unity and lies.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about Eternity today. We celebrated the Lord's Supper and when our pastor was talking about salvation and examining oneself, it brought to bear a very sobering thought; and that is about eternity.

Most people don't think about eternity, but when you are considering where you will spend the rest of your life, there is no greater thought.

Mt. Everest is 29,029 feet tall. It's the tallest mountain on Earth. It pales in comparision to Eternity, yet is the closest analogy that I have to use.

When this life is over, we will all pass into "eternity". If you are a born-again Christian, you will go to Heaven while if you are ANYTHING else, you will go to hell... for eternity.

I once heard this analogy about how to grasp the concept of eternity and it goes like this...

Imagine the tallest mountain in the world; then imagine that once every 1,000 years someone gently brushes a hankerchief across it peak. On the day that that mountain is reduced to a flat piece of land, the first second of eternity is beginning to tick.

It may seem very far away, but it's closer than you think.

Where will you be?

Real Church Growth

"Preaching is the primary means of growth for the local church. There is a great deal of debate about this in our day, but it is the preaching of the Word that God most uses to build up a church, not only numerically but above all (and far more importantly) in spiritual depth and understanding of the people who make up the congregation."

- James Montgomery Boice