The Story Continues...
In reflecting back upon this day, 16 years ago, I remember a nervous beautiful girl who was willing to leave all that she had known to start a new life with me. We were (and still are) deeply in love.
I remember feeling nervous and scared. What if I wasn't a good husband? What if I snored? What if she snored? Silly questions were put to rest by the refining of our marriage over time. Little worries are just that - little worries. Big worries become little when our faith is placed in God.
The Word of God teaches us that the marriage Union and relationship was inspired by God, instituted by God, is preserved by God.
So God created man in his own image . . . ; [one] male and [one] female created he them" - Genesis 1:27
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" - Genesis 2:24
"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" - Mark 10:9
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” - 1 Peter 3:4
Speaking of that last part, I am reminded of our vows to each other and of our ceremony...
"The circle, the emblem of eternity; and gold, the emblem of that which is least tarnished and most enduring. It is to show how lasting and imperishable is the faith and love now mutually pledged."
As the union now formed is to be ended only by death, it becomes you to consider the duties you now solemnly assume. If these be remembered and faithfully discharged they will add to the happiness of this life, lightening by dividing its inevitable sorrows, and heightening by doubling all its blessedness. But if these obligations be neglected and violated, you cannot escape the keenest misery as well as the darkest guilt.
It is the duty of the husband to provide for the support of his wife, to shelter her from danger, and to cherish for her a manly and unchanging affection, it being the command of God's Word that husbands love their wives even as Christ loved the church and gave his own life for her.
It is the duty of the wife to reverence and obey her husband, and to put on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is, in God's sight, an ornament of great price, His Word commanding that wives be subject unto their own husbands, even as the church is subject unto Christ."
It's a day that I will always treasure and look back to to see where we began; but I also look forward to see where God is leading us.
I pray that Diana still sees the man that she loved and although life hasn't always been the way that we've planned, still sees the man that she still loves.
1 comment:
Just wanted you to know I love you.
I believe that you have a typo. I may be wrong however, I am almost certain obey was omitted.
You know this means we are gonna have to bust out the video and check to be sure.
Communication is the first part of the marriage that crumbles.
If I am wrong, no wonder You wanted me to obey thinking that's what you heard.
It's like a command for a puppy, come on Rover catch the ball.
Thanks for a wonderful date night. Maybe we should go out together more often and be us for a change and not simply mommy and daddy.
Love you
Love me
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