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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emerging Errors

I recently read an article that spoke about someone who was involved with and left the emergent movement/conversation.

These errors include:

  • A highly ambiguous handling of truth.
  • A desire to be so inclusive and tolerant that there is virtually no sense of biblical discernment in terms of recognizing and labeling false beliefs, practices, or lifestyles.
  • A quasi-universalistic view of salvation.
  • A lack of a proper appreciation for biblical authority over and against personal experience or revelation.
  • Openness to pagan religious practices like Hindu Yoga and incorporating them into the Christian life and Christian worship.
  • Openly questioning the relevance of key historical biblical doctrines such as the Trinity.
  • An uncritically open embrace of the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
  • An unbridled cynicism towards conservative evangelicalism and fundamentalism.
  • A reading of scripture that is heavily prejudiced towards a social gospel understanding.
  • Little or no talk of evangelism or saving lost souls.
  • A salvation by osmosis mentality, where if you hangout with us long enough you’re in.


Diana said...

hey where is the original photo you had picked for this post?
I have to say you are man of great research. Most people don't have a clue as to what is out there. It seems the emergent movement has made the once safe haven of a "church" into a corporation. Shouldn't you be feeling like hey this is a great church we visited instead of hey this is more like the campus of a college.
Intresting info you have come across

George Romano said...


Thanks for your encouraging words. You're an awesome lady!

It's sad that more people don't know about the emergent movement. It's very true in what you said about the church feeling like the campus of a college. It's a shame that more and more, churches are becoming like a country club instead of like a house of God.

Anonymous said...

My Brother, there is no reverence for the Word of God or for God alone in many of the modern churches. I am almost to the point to say that this really isn’t church and they really are not Christians. Churches throw around the term carnal Christianity and that is a huge contradiction, you cannot be carnal and belong to Christ. We must make a return to Biblical Christianity, and abandon the latest trend of the biggest mega church.

Come see us soon,

your brother in Christ


George Romano said...

Nice to see you here. You are so true in what you are saying. Keep on preaching the Truth. This world needs Godly men like you.

Hopefully we'll see you guys soon!