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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Keeping the main thing, THE MAIN THING

I recently opened an account on God Tube, a Christian alternative to You Tube. I like the idea of communication, hence the blog. I also like the idea of publishing videos and although the embedded video is not mine (obviously), I like what it has to say. It's a Biblical response to emergent Rob Bell's attack on street preaching.

There seems to be a lot of disdain and even hatred towards the ways that "we used to do things". Rob Bell with books like Velvet Elvis and Sex God, works to tear at the fabric of Christianity and sadly, many pastors are following his lead.

The gospel is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. It's simply telling people about the reason for the hope that lies within you. There are diffent methods for evangelism and whether it's relational or "street" evangelism, they all have a purpose.

When it all comes down to it, I am just a beggar telling another beggar where he found food.

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