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Monday, October 22, 2007

Calling Down The Fire

Yesterday, our church had the beginning of what will, God willing, be a four day revival. There are several unique parts of that sentence that I'd like to address. The first is that our church is having a revival. I've heard it said by people that "you can not schedule a revival" because God schedule is not dictated by men. I'll tell you that I did learn that although man cannot dictate God's actions, there are men that are called for the purpose of leading a revival.

These men come with a unique gift of prophetic wisdom that the Holy Spirit uses to speak to the hearts of those present and move them for His will and purposes.

The topic yesterday used the story of Elijah calling down fire in 1 Kings and how when the fire falls, the people "fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God". That's the effect that the fire has on people,it makes people realize the one true God.

The second thing that I wanted to talk about was the statement "God willing". It's a statement that I'm adding to my vocabulary thanks to Carl Scarlett, our guest preacher. You see, he said that he never makes a promise about anything in the future because the Lord could call him home or come back before that event. To me, that phrase, "God Willing" or "Lord willing" is a constant acknowledgement of the sovreignty of God and also points to the promise of our Lords return.

I look forward to what the rest of the days will bring. I pray that people will be drawn to the Lord and trust and follow Him with faith and obedience.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Having never been to a revival, I have to say I am feeling a strong call to worship. The revival really is for the ones who believe.
We saw lives changed. Who can deny the greatness of god in that place in that little preacher with the huge message!