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Monday, October 01, 2007

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This month, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. It's a subject that I feel compelled to writ a bit about.
It is a cause/subject that is very important to me for a number of reasons...

  1. My mom fought breast cancer twice, finally dying from it.

  2. My mother-in-law is currently fighting it.

  3. Breast cancer can affect men, too.

  4. My wife and I have so many friends that are fighting breast cancer.

  5. Breast Cancer is beatable. We have a very close friend of the family that fought breast cancer and is a survivor.

  6. My wife and two daughters now have a family history on both sides of breast cancer.

  7. My wife is a hardcore supporter of awareness and I love her for it. Please visit her post here on awareness month.

Knowledge, early detection and HOPE are the keys!

Because HOPE matters,

1 comment:

Diana said...

Thank you for posting this. I know how hard it is to see those words in print.
I never knew back then how hard it was to face the word cancer like you did. I watched as you lost your mother to this dreaded disease and in a cruel twist of irony you know first hand what I am dealing with.

You always laugh when the dentists say I have a small mouth. Size doesn't matter.(that sounded better in my head than in print hmmm)This mouth is gonna shout!

The words can't be said loud enough or often enough. Thank you for saying them with me.

Thank you for encouraging me and your son's and daughter's to HOPE for a cure.
Love you
Love me