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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Moment in Time

"If you could spend 24 hours with a leader, who would it be?"

That was a question that I recently read on a Christian blog. I gave it some thought. Not to sound super-spiritual, but Jesus was the first thing that crossed my mind. To be able to sit with my master and listen to him speak; to observe how he interacted with people; to ask the questions that I have that will only have answers when I get to Heaven. That would be the ultimate for me!

Some of the answers were:

Bill Hybels
Ron Paul
Bill Gates
Mark Driscoll
Rob Bell
Barak Obama
John Piper
Richard Branson
Ted Turner
Ravi Zacherias
Martin Luther King Jr.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Oprah Winfrey
Fred Rogers
Marilyn Manson
Andy Stanley
John Maxwell
Erwin McManus
Brian McLaren
Steven Furtick
Billy Graham
George Bush

There are some great names in that list...and some not-so-great names, but I figured that I missed something. I scrolled down to look at the answers and was very confused, then irritated, then confused again. I searched the page for the word "Jesus", but all that came up was "Phrase not found". Sadly that's the state of a lot of churches today... Jesus simply isn't found anywhere. It was really sad to read all of the names and reasons why people wanted to talk to these "leaders" and it all seemed to mostly focus on being mancentered.

All that being said, I'd like to change the question. If you had 24 hours to spend with Jesus, in person, what would you say? What would you do?

Because Truth Matters,

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