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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food for Thought

I recently came across this interesting picture from a postcard that churches can sent out to people. I think that it's very thought provoking, not only along the lines of it's original intent, but also for what it means to the individual Christian.

The way that I see it is that it's a call to an awakening; a process of self-examination for Christians attending churches and pastors alike.

Christian: Do you give God the leftovers of your day, grabbing a bite of the Bible when you have time, or are you taking the time to feast on the riches of God's Word?

Pastor: Do you fee your flock the Word of God or are you giving them just enough of a "rush" to get through to the next service where they will come back and hear the next feel good message?

We cannot neglect our spiritual bodies and expect to be a healthy and growing Christian, much like the fact that we can't neglect our physical bodies and expect to be healthy.

To quote an old church sign,

7 days without God's Word, makes 1 weak.

Because Truth matters,

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