Hillary Clinton and Rick Warren
I recently read in the Worldnet Daily News that Hillary Clinton recently spoke at Saddleback Church at the Global Summit on AIDS and the Church.
Mrs. Clinton spoke of her faith and one person interviewed mentioned that she believe that Hillary Clinton has compatible Christian values.
Proverbs 28:4 says that,“Those that forsake the law, praise the wicked. But such as keep my law contend with them.”
Although Rick Warren explained, "The first thing is that this is not a church service, and, second, there isn't a pulpit on stage,"
Warren said.
"And it's not a worship service. This is a summit, which does include people from every kind of background."In response to this, Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, believes it was
"a mistake to invite [Clinton] to speak at an evangelical Christian church on AIDS or any other issue, because her political stances are contrary to biblical teaching."
"What Saddleback is doing is helping raise her profile as a legitimate presidential candidate in the eyes of evangelical Christians, and I think that is a huge error,"
Wildmon told Reuters.
I would wholeheartedly agree. The church (I know the body of Christ is the church) is not a place of exposing of thoughts on topics contrary to Biblical thinking. Although a disclaimer was made, many still make the connection with the unofficial connection between Saddleback and Mrs. Clinton and with her views on partial birth abortion, this is truely wrong.
Because Truth matters,
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