Prophet or Profit?
Well, it's been a while, two weeks, I think, since Rick Warren has been in the news, so I guess that it should come as no surprise that a new article published by the Christian Post informs us of more of the Apostacy Driven movement.
The article that I read begins,
"Megachurch pastor Rick Warren attended a large Reform Jewish gathering last week to share tips on how to build a community. The “Purpose-Driven” pastor spoke to thousands of Jewish leaders Thursday night at the Union for Reform Judaism’s biennial convention in San Diego. With the holiday season in mind, Warren urged clergy to take advantage of crowded events to publicize other programs so people can get involved in the community through smaller groups." "There are some principles that apply regardless of our faith, if it’s Jewish or Christian,” he said at the convention." "One of his principles: “Just be nice to people. Smile.”
umm... What?!?!?! Principles that apply regardless of our faith?!? Just be nice and smile?!?
"The article continues, "After Warren spoke a few minutes at the podium, he sat alongside two popular Southern California rabbis for a casual talk about strengthening congregational life."
I am extremely disheartened by this latest in an ongoing series of revelations about"Pastor" Warren. How can a person who is called to preach the Truth about God's Word go to a house of worship for a different religion and help them deceive people and drive them away from God? Maybe Mr. Warren doesn't take the words of Isaiah 5:20 to heart when it states, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
Further on down in the article, The Christian post reports,
"Other guests at the conference included the Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners and Dr. Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America."
Great! I guess it really doesn't matter that your helping the kingdom of darkness with this purpose drivel. Please excuse my sarcasm, but sometimes I feel like I am watching these things unfold and am the only one who "gets it" like someone shouting at the movie screen to "Look behind you!" or "Don't trust him!"
To make things worse, there are still many people, including a few churches local to me that STILL follow his techniques.
How does following a worldly formula teach about our sin and God's grace and redemption? It doesn't and it can't. I pray that people will wake up soon before it's too late.
Because Truth matters,
1 comment:
Oh how I do love Rick, isn't he just soooo special?
I often wonder how much more junk he is going to be dishing out before people really begin to see how far away from the real truth that he is.
I feel one of the hardest thing to overcome in the emergent and seeker sensitive churches that are aligning with Rick Warren and every other pastor who follow this movement is that it is under the disguise of world peace, which honestly who wouldn't love.
The Bible talks about how even the elite will be decieved. If these emergent/seeker movements and their leaders are being gospel light; think about all the people who think they are on the "one way road" to heaven. Sadly, they are going in the wrong direction on that one way road. In the world we live in today, it amazes me that we have information literally at our fingertips, and so many people are and remain un aware at the spiritual warefare we are under, which a lot of it is being brought out into the churches from people who are supposed to be "spiritual leaders."
Thank you for being aware!
Love you
Love me
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