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Friday, September 14, 2007

Our family just finished watching the movie "Time Changer".

I have to say that it is an incredibly thought provoking movie. Without giving away the plot, the movie takes the audience and has us consider our lives, our relationships with Christ and how society and morals without Jesus is nothing to look forward to.

There are a number of emotional and thought provoking scenes in which I can sympathize with the main character, feeling lost in another world; a world where everyone thinks that everything is OK, but you know the Truth and that it's not. This is a feeling that you can have in talking with people, watching TV, shopping or even in church.

What is really important? Is Jesus central to your life and not just someone that you identify with? Is He your Lord and Saviour? Are we slowly becoming desensitised to sin in our lives?

The truth is that God has a time already set for His return. We don't know it and we can't change it. What we CAN do is take the time that we have, turn from and confess our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and tell others about Him.

What time is it? It's closer than you think. Are you ready?

Because Truth matters,


Steven said...

Brother, you are right! This is a very good movie and a true to live reality of what has happened to our culture and world by removing the Authority from the teaching.
It is much like many of the modern churches, the desire to be hip and trendy (I know words nobody uses anymore) they teach and give the application but on NO Authority, and with that many are having their ears tickled. While scripture says that this would and will happen, I know that it breaks the very heart of our Lord to see this happen.

We must teach from His authority, not our own. His truth cannot be separated from Him. When we try to...the effect is no less than devastating!

Preach the Word, be ready in season (when it is easy to do) and out of season (when men will not tolerate the truth)reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

In other words even when men will not adhere to or tolerate the truth PREACH IT ANYWAY! For God said His word would never return void!

Man the family and I love the movie one of the best movies out and as you can see it gets me fired up!

Because THE Truth Matters!

In Christ, For Christ, For His Glory!


George Romano said...

Amen and amen. I was very surprised at how good the movie is.

The kids even liked it a lot and asked to watch it again.

It's funny though, our oldest daughter said that "It was good, but I still like 'Luther' better, because he stuck up for his beliefs."... wow, out an 11 year-old.

I think I feel another post coming on?