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Monday, June 11, 2007

Blessed to Be a Blessing

I'd been asked in the past to write serveral devotionals for a church-wide devotional guide that was never published. In that I spent time before God regarding these, I didn't want them to go to waste, so I figured that I would post some.

Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

Thoughts: In thinking about service, I think about the wonderful blessings that the Lord has bestowed on me. God is ever gracious and wonderful. It’s such an incredible opportunity that we have to serve the King and pass along some of the blessings that we have received. The great thing is that serving can be done in a multitude of ways.

From a gracious smile as new people enter the building to rocking a baby so a mother can attend worship and hear God’s Word, everyone has a valuable gift to add to the service of God while connecting with others.

Every believer has received a gift from the Lord that should be used for His glory. His grace extends to us but never end with us. We are intended to be the channels through whom the blessings of God can flow to others. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I am so glad you are finally posting these! I was sad they seemed to get lost in the mix of what went on. I remember the study and prayer for God's guidance and reverence as you wrote all of them.
I hope to see the rest of them inn the day's ahead. Just as you learned from God what needed to be written maybe I and other's who happen upon your site will read them and get what God wants them to get out of them as well.