Would you like popcorn with that?
I recently read an ariticle about The Connection Church whose website claims that...
Great music, fun people, and short services. That's how most people describe a Sunday morning at The Connection Church.
At TCC, we feel that it's our responsibility to "clear the way" for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience the great music, encouraging messages, friendly people, and enjoyable atmosphere that are a part of TCC.
With sermons based upon movies like Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End and The Simpsons Movie, this church is part of an ever gowing trend to incorporate the "world" into it's services.
It's sad that this type of news used to be few and far between; you know, a little Bono here and there, but now it seems to be getting worse. Some churches are moving faster and faster into the entertainment business and further and further away away from the Word of God.
I pray that these churches turn to God, but with the way they are going, it's no wonder that they still haven't found what they're looking for.
One might begin to wonder where this garbage is taught. Is it taught in Bible Colleges and Seminary's that this is proper way to expound the truth. Looking at the recent Barna statistics while more and more claim to be Christian and to be "Born Again" more and more have less of a Biblical Worldview, that is scary and that is a sign of the times. We must gaurd our hearts against this attack of the enemy. Scripture is perfect and perfectly clear, 2 Timothy 3:14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
And again Paul desribes this very day and time when the "so called" believers would gather up teachers, look here in 2 Timothy 4:3-4,For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
I love the Truth, I love God's word, I am so thankful that God has placed me in a school where the Truth is respected, loved and taught without exception. May the Lord turn all of our hearts toward His truth and may we all have the reverence and desire to learn it, know it, and proclaim it. God's word is the rule and we all need to submit to that rule.
CCCB has a seat for you, if you love the truth and desire to learn it, know it, and proclaim it. God Bless!
George, it's funny that God is nowhere to be found in the description of this church. I can see getting someone's attention to draw them into church, but why don't they try to draw them with the Word, or the Holy Spirit? Kind of like God is not allowed in school anymore, pretty soon churches won't have God in them either. Just an observation.
You know so many churches are headed on that path. So many preachers have lost their minds, and think cultural relevance is far more important than being Biblically reverent. It becomes no longer about just God's word, you get a story or a joke that starts off a sermon.
If some one has the gift of preaching you'd think they would do that and not feel the need to grap people's attention by certain language, music or movies. What a wasted gift it is then. If you preach the Word, evrthing else would just fall into place. Churches like that and Grainger and so many more emerging and Emergent are doing it all for shock and awe value. Ahhh and we wonder why today's youth and other's are so far from God, we are giving them a stage show to perform an awesome concert and stand up show, instead of just speaking the truth of the Gospel's.
The Truth Matters!
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