Worldy Woes
I've been doing some thinking lately (novel idea, eh?) due to some some disturbing things that I've read that all but call for Christians to be carnal. It seems that some in the church today think that it's alright to flirt with the world, either in their personal lives or in ministry. This is heretical thinking that sadly seems so pervasive in our entertainment-oriented culture.
The Church is called to be light and salt. We are to glorify God, and our hearts are to be purposed to worship Him in Sprit and truth. We are to be disciples, and be discipled. We are to break bread, and be in prayer for each other. We are to feed sheep, not entertain goats.
To quote John MacArthur, virtually every era of church history there have been people in the church who are convinced that the best way to win the world is by catering to worldly tastes. Such an approach has always been to the detriment of the gospel message. The only times the church has made any significant impact on the world are when the people of God have stood firm, refused to compromise, and boldly proclaimed the truth despite the world’s hostility. When Christians have shrunk away from the task of confronting popular worldly delusions with unpopular biblical truths, the church has invariably lost influence and impotently blended into the world. Both Scripture and history attest to that fact.
In looking at truth, Biblical truth is absolute and constant. It is not subject to change or adaptation. Worldly opinion, on the other hand, is in constant flux taking in the various fads and philosophies that dominate the world. It seems that the only thing that remains constant is the world’s hatred of Christ and His gospel.
Some churches and Christians today are trying to look and act as much as possible like the world.
For example:
Dress like the world - This is mostly seen in youth. Look around your youth ministry; are the kids dressed scantily? in gothic clothes?
Talk like the world - Are sermons riddled with pop-references and slang that you need a teenager to help you decipher? In following after the world, some are "courting" demographics and woe be to the person who is over 35.
Entertained by the world - Does the worship service look more like a rock concert with "stars" performing or like a genuine atmosphere of adoration to our King? I'm not saying that we should not have contemporary music, instruments, etc. I for one, love a contemporary service, but look at where the focus is. That is the main issue. Is the focus on God or man?
It is not ok for Christians to look, think and act like the World. As Christians, we are called to Holiness.
Don't get me wrong, the Church should reach out to the world and have compassion for them, but we are called to be in the world, not of the world. Romans 12:1-2 says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
The consciousness of the world seems to have snuck into the pulpits of the church. Have we become too lukewarm? Have we conformed to the ideology of the world?
In 3rd John 3, the apostle
The good news is that Christ loves us and died for us. Yes, He meets us where we are, but He is too loving to leave us there.
Because Truth matters,
My answers to the three questions in order are....
One time we went to this church, and we sat behind a girl that had a sequined halter top, the only back to it was a thin silver chain and one around the neck., I thought Lord help the daddy that let her walk out of the doors wearing that and then enter into a house of God like that.
#2 Once we went to a church that the speaker was talking about gettin in someone's grill( I didn't know we were having a bbq there) bling bling, and the speaker would even make refrences to biblical figures as a Mac Daddy. He would make weird cultural references that if you weren't emmersed into the culture of today's movies, tv shows, music and celebrities, you ended up clueless because you wouldn't find the punch line funny at all. The only thing missing was some popcorn for the tidbits of movie clips they would show.
One time we went to this church, and for christmas they sang a U2 song that was nice.
You know nothing sent the Holy Spirit pouring over us like the verse"I kissed her honey lips and was healed by her finger tips"
How much more God honoring can you be, oh yeah there were a few other groovey tunes to go back a couple of years, Toby Keith's "I wanna talk about me" when you enter the sanctuary or how about "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson" I tell you what, nothing makes me think of Jesus more often than that song.
How much more hip can you get?
While I am smart enough to know that no church is perfect, I was silly enough to think that staying at churches because your friend's are there is selfish, When God tells you to go and you don't listen it gets worse from there on out.
All churches have good and bad.
As many as possible!
Like it or not that's the motto for churches these days.
But for Salvation's sake and the blood of Jesus poured over you so you could have a direct relationship with Jesus himself, look at the church you attend, is it true to God's HONORED word? Is everything you see God based or man centered.
Take a good look around your church because like George said, The Truth Does Matter!
I thought about my reply to your post, I am sorry that it was so sarcastic however true it was, maybe I shouldn't have been so blatantly sarcastic. It is very unbecoming of me.
You are an awesome lady! I feel the same way about this as you do and I, for one know that it is very easy to become frustrated with the way that things are, especially when one trys to help, but gets no result.
You have a loving and kind heart. Don't ever forget that. I know (but more importantly, God knows)that you have genuine compassion over the things that were mentioned and pray for the situations and circumstances.
Keep the faith, because Truth matters!
Love Always,
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